Monday, August 01, 2005


I heard it for the first time today. I should say, I over-heard it. For I was the observer, and an enchanted spectator at that. My grand-baby laughed. It was a deep belly laugh from the depths of her little soul with mouth open wide while revealing a gummy smile. She laughed at Bonnie whose dancing blue eyes and animated limbs spring forth the contagious joy of the Lord. Bonnie is God's cheer-leader at church who leads in the loud Amens, Hallelujahs, and preach-it-pastors every Sunday morning.

I have tried to get a little giggle out of my Em. I get smiles galore but, no laugh. Babies won't feign a laugh.....everything about them is genuine. I delight in a baby's laughter because of it's authenticity. I marvel at an infant's God-given ability to express joy in this laughter stirs the very beginnings of their communication process. How glorious of God to create us in this way. The joy of the Lord lives within my dear friend Bonnie. It was only natural for Em to delight in Bonnie and express her toothless gummy laugh for all to see and enjoy.....especially for me.

Thanks God for babies, friends, smiles, and laughter.


Blogger existentialist said...

I am happy you are enjoying your granddaughter and blogging about it. You know I disagree with your perception of Plato in regards to 1 Corinthians. I actually came to Plato this time around through a book called The Sacrament of Love about the theology of marriage. The author cited Pheadrus in an effort to shed light on the harmonics of love. This is a theology professor in Paris that wrote this book. He has reposed. I think the Protestants and the Orthodox take a different approach to Plato.

10:42 PM  
Blogger Truthful said...

Hi Olympiada, I would have to say that I believe the word of God is the seat of all wisdom. If a philosopher's teachings agree with the bible, that philosopher is a-ok with me. Yes, it is true that I attend a Protestant church. Christian religion is aptly put in James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father sees as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep from one-self from being polluted by the world." I love this verse. It breaks down the denomination barriers. By the way , one of my favorite books was written by a jesuit priest whose name is Malachi Martin and the book is titled "Hostage to the Devil." I appreciate your thoughts and comments and the time you took to write them. I know how precious time is especially, for a mom going through divorce. God bless you and may God guide your every step.

10:48 PM  
Blogger existentialist said...

Thank you truthful. It is actually precious to me to be able to write. I am mercilessly persecuted for my mental gifts and it is precious to me to be able to use them.

8:05 AM  

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