Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Meg's Story

There is a 47 yr old woman at my church who has been diagnosed as bipolar , manic depressive, and schizophrenic. She was sexually abused as a child by her father. She later married an abusive man. She then married an emotionally distant man and had many lovers during that marriage. She spent time in a mental ward and received numerous electric shock treatments. As a result she has forgotten portions of her past. She is now divorced, and lives in public housing on $512 a month.

I go to a pentecostal church so there are times when it is normative to go to the alter during worship if one is particularly moved to do so. Two months ago Meg* had an episode right after worship. She had her arms wrapped around herself in a hugging grip and, she paced back and forth at the alter during worship.

She screamed, "The voice says that everyone needs to run to the alter because my daddy is loving me. You need to run up and feel this love."
Meg's voice was very raspy and demanding. No one went to the alter.

Again she yelled, " God says you must run up here before it is too late."
No one moved. My pastor then motioned for one of the deacons to come forward and Meg's 21 yr old son. They were able to quietly talk her into leaving the service. She was consoled in another room and was hospitalized that evening. (* not her real name)

Meg is again acting strangely. She talks too loudly, wants to sit in the place that some parishoners' husbands usually sit and leaves in a huff when the spouse comes to take their seat. She shows up at events for seniors (she is not a senior) and is distractive. She even invites herself to lunch with some of the church crowd after service. She'll then walk barefoot in the restaurant, make crude doves out of paper to give to whom-ever is around, and then put her arm around the waitress making it hard for the waitress to get away. Her car has recently been impounded because she was driving in the wrong direction on a major interstate highway.

I believe Meg isn't taking her medicine. I truly feel bad for Meg. I feel embarrassed for her and her son. Many people think there is some demonic oppression and don't want Meg around. She does make everyone feel uncomfortable, even if you have a tender heart for her situation. Her son is in college and is studying to be in the ministry. I am praying for her and her son. My heart ache's for the pain this lady has suffered in her past. I wonder what God would have me do.

I called my pastor and, he said that we should comfront Meg in love when she acts inappropriately. He didn't seem to have any other advice or plan as to what we should do with Meg. I don't know what I expected him to say or do. I suggested a crisis intervention with people she knows and loves. Maybe we could get Meg into the hospital. Pastor didn't think they would take her for very long this time. He didn't reply to my intervention idea.

I know God loves Meg and has a plan for her life. I pray that as a church we are a helping hand and not a stumbling block. As Jesus says in Matthew 25:36, ".....I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Jesus speaks, in Matthew 25:40 ,"...I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of one of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

I just got a call telling me that Meg is in the hospital. She created some sort of disturbance at her apartment building. I pray God's helping hands and loving arms heal Meg of all her past hurts.


Blogger existentialist said...

T - I am sorry to hear this story. As I read it I thought "this woman is not so different from me". Thank you for bringing it to the attention of the public.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Truthful said...

When I think of Meg, I wonder who I'd be if I had walked in her shoes.

5:51 PM  
Blogger Madcap said...

Oh, how difficult for everyone, including Meg. I hope she can find a way of being that allows her and the people around her, some peace.

7:41 PM  
Blogger revhipchick said...

"The voice says that everyone needs to run to the alter because my daddy is loving me. You need to run up and feel this love."

this truly moved me. i can only imagine the tension in the room. i know i should "know better" but i don't--perhaps despite the raspy voice she was speaking the truth of the moment, being wrapped in the presence of God is an intense feeling.

it's so hard to deal and love when people are sick (mentally/emotionally) and you can't/don't know where they are speaking/coming from. i admire your dedication to meg and to Christ.

my heart goes out in love to meg, to you, and to your congregation. thank you for sharing so openly and honestly. i do hope that people in your church will not turn on her believing it is demonic.

you will all be in my prayers.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Truthful said...

Hip Chick and Mum, Thanks for your loving thoughts towards Meg and the parishoners at my church.

Hip Chick, I appreciate the prayers which God always answers in His time and with His wisdom.

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You now its quiet possible that meg "is" in fact taking her medicine. And that it might be the medicine that is causing the problems. My doctors used to have me drugged to the gills when in fact all i needed was some counceling. The side effects from the drugs made me really nuts. I never drove on the road the wrong way but I found the lines dividing the lanes to be to complicated to read and was brought home by the police on more than one occassion because I would forget where i was (I grew up in the town I live in). Drugs are not the answer to a troubled past.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Dan Trabue said...

We attend an inner city church and have our share of what we call "Jeff Street Moments" not dissimilar to your sister's experience. You do what you can and that's about all you can, or at least that's our experience.

We are familiar with the mental health and social service agencies (a good number of our members either work for them or make use of them, some both) and let them know when a patient may be in need of help.

Beyond that, we love them the best we can. Sometimes (for friends who are displaying violence issues) we have to ask them to leave. It's tough. I commend you for caring and trying. If you come across any great answers, we'd love to hear them.


12:11 PM  

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