Monday, August 29, 2005

Ungodly Focus

I am bothered by a friend and her preoccupaton with her size 3, used to be, back in the day body. This is a Christian woman who talks of how the men in her office all wagered who would bed her. According to her account, no one did. It seems to me she was a bit the tease. She retells this story with joy in her voice. She is in her 50's now and battling the bulge.

I knew from a very early age(around 14)that many men only like you because of the way you look. You are nothing more than an accessory easily added and easily discarded. Who in their right mind wants this kind of attention? The very insecure who believe their only asset is their looks. is fleeting.

I enjoy a pretty face, whether that face belongs to a man, woman, or child as much as the next person. I find solace in a beautiful heart. Unfortunately many beautiful faces don't match up with beautiful hearts. We didn't pick our faces. God formed them in our mother's womb. Time etched the joy and sorrows of our lives and, nature's elements on that flesh canvas for all to see.

God gave us the gift of free will. I can decide if I will nurture a heart that earnestly chases after God. I can examine my motives and see if they are in line with God's word. I can pray and ask the heavenly Father to prune my sinful selfish nature.

What to do with a less than pretty face?.... I could go to a plastic surgeon and have him alter my less appealing features. But as a christian where should my focus be...on the condition of my heart or my flesh?

I often think about 2 verses when I observe people or listen to them talk.
(1. Luke 6:45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
(2. 1John 2:16 "For everything in the world-the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what man has and does-comes not from the Father but from the world.
THIS is why my friend is bugging me.

I am learning to apply Micah 6:8 "Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God." When this friend talks about her old figure and her past successful business dealings, I find myself really disliking her. I'm not jealous of her past beauty or money. I came from an upper middle class family and was a pretty young lady back in my day also. But really, who cares?!!!!!!!! I am going to have to confront this friend in love knowing that it is only by God's grace that I'm not living back in the day. I am learning to have mercy because I want to get in her face and scream, "Get over yourself!!!!" Instead; I am praying that I have a heart that sees her soul instead of her sin.

Teach me Lord to see all mankind as you do. Help me to lovingly see the Godly potential in others. Help me to encourage others in their walk with you. Grant me insight and wisdom to see and help nurture the spiritual heart in myself and in others.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being an x size 3 myself i can sympathize, but i don't dwell on the issue much. She will eventually learn come to terms with the fact that she will never be that perfect size 3 again and its doubtful isshe will ever be able to walk into a room and have ever head turn against either.

2:18 PM  
Blogger Truthful said...

Dragonfly, I hope you are right and she learns to come to terms with her larger self and hopefully lesser ego.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Gary said...

I'm not a Christian, but have a perspective on this (on everything almost :)

Most of us are attracted to physical beauty - which has a lot to do with youth and our drives for procreation. We probably don't need to apologize for this, although we need to behave nicely (especially men).

That said, I know that my life is so rich if I get to know the people in my life as the kindred spirits they are, not the containers. Our consumer oriented society makes this a lot more difficult than it should be. Everything is a commodity, even our bodies.

If your beliefs help you see the truth and love yourself as you are - go for it! I know you are a beautiful person.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Truthful said...

Gary, Your comment is so well put. The container (our body) and the accesssories ( aka material possessions, 1John2:16...what man has and does) hide the soul within. A real christian's priority focus ought to be on the condition of their soul. Thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed your insight on this topic.

12:40 PM  

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